ARK Architectural Services Ltd
'Achieving Value Through Quality In Design & Technical Expertise'
We pride ourselves in achieving innovative and sustainable designs on a large comprehensive portfolio of projects. Employing over 30 years experience in Architectural Design and Technical Services with a strong network of professional associates. We are specialists in creating inspired yet practical spaces on even the most challenging of sites. We work closely with the local authority Planners and Building Control Officers to ensure your project is professionally regulated through to completion.
– from small private extensions & remodelling to larger; commercial, residential, retail, leisure, industrial and public sector projects.
– specialising in planning gain, adding value and property development.
– designed, co-ordinated and managed with the latest efficient technologies.
ARK A r c h i t e c t u r a l S e r v i c e s L t d – A Company Registered in England and Wales, Cardiff, CF11 9PD, (Reg No 9492725)
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